Professional slip ring manufacturer

Jarch Inc.-mall

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conductive slip rings

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The conductive slip ring is still more traditional than the technology on the instrument. Conventional conductive slip ring technology is relatively backward. The product is in self-lubricating contact during operation and will produce powder after wear, which requires regular maintenance and cleaning. Therefore, when using this traditional conductive slip ring, the components shall be frequently overhauled to check whether the contact surface of the conductive slip ring and the insulating surface of the conductive slip ring are damaged, so as to ensure the good working condition of the conductive slip ring and extend the service life of the equipment.

The conductive slip ring is electrical equipment that originated in foreign countries. The conductive slip ring is also called collector ring, rotary joint, collector ring, collector ring, commutator, adapter, etc. in different places.

The application field of conductive slip ring is more and more extensive, and the mechanical equipment used for it is also more and more. What can replace the conductive slip ring?

The standard conductive slip ring is a kind of universal conductive slip ring, but many customers do not know much about the standard conductive slip ring and waste too much time in selection. Here I would like to briefly introduce what is a standard conductive slip ring, and how to select it will be more convenient

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